Before you apply for a return or refund, please read our Return policy to confirm that your order is allowed to be returned.

Refund Available

  • Within 30 days after receiving your product.
  • Open the package but unused
  • The product has been used, and the product has quality problems.
  • There is no artificial damage.
  • All parts and accessories must be in the original package with no items missing.
  • The packaging is damaged due to the transportation of the logistics company, the product can be used normally, we would like to pay $10 for the damaged packaging.

Refund Unavailable

We cannot issue a refund in the event of the following:

  • It has been more than 30 days since you received the product.
  • Shipping fees are non-refundable and the cost of return shipping is borne by customer.
  • Products sent to the wrong address (including "return to sender").
  • Choose the return method for cash on delivery.
  • Order accessories or used product or personal care products.

Packaging is damaged due to the transportation of the logistics company

  • The product can be used normally:
  • We would like to pay $10 for the damaged packaging.
  • The product cannot be used normally: The product does not need to be returned, we would like to resend a new product.
  • Note: If any of the above situations occur, please contact us within 48 hours. Our processing time will not exceed 48 hours. Subject to the arrival time of the goods.

Refund Delay

  • Logistics lost orders. We will submit claims to the express company on all orders that are not received. The processing time is 5-10 days.
  • All of our VIVOHOME products come with a 1 year warranty. Please note this page is for purchases made through our website or our VIVOHOME online store such as For purchases made through our authorized re-sellers, please contact them directly.

Refund Process

  • You need to confirm with us by email before returning the product, otherwise we will not accept the return.
  • Contact us:, let us know your order number and the reason for the refund.
  • If you want to claim a return due to quality issues, we need a video to confirm this and keep it as evidence.
  • Return the product, and please email us the tracking number.
  • The refund will be completed within 3-7 working days hours after we receive your return product.
  • Note:Please contact us by email to confirm the return address before returning. Please do not send the product back to the original shipping address on the package. It is not our return address. If you return the product to that address, the return process cannot proceed normally.

Refund Time & Attention

Refund times may vary due to PayPal or bank transfer system. If the refund takes longer than this time limit, please contact the PayPal or your card issuing bank for further information.

Refund Method

The refund will only be processed to only your original account.

Q: Cancel order during transportation?

A: In this case, the transportation of the product cannot be prevented. Please contact after the arrival of the goods. Please note all shipping costs for delivery and return will be borne by the customer.

Return address:1320 S. BAKER AVENUE, Unit B Dock 53-54, ONTARIO, CA 91761
US (909)-789-1300